Wednesday 11 November 2009

Mea Maxima Culpa!

I know, I'm naughty, I should have blogged more recently. Sorry

The PvP has heated up, and I now have 4 out of 5 of my PvP set. The Kodohide one. I know it's the healing one, but that's not such a bad thing, I've been healing a bit more recently, and am now not a total tard, just in the vaguely less able section.

I dug a vegetable garden, and laid paving slabs. The back garden, apart from being wet and muddy, is now wet and muddy and intersected with a path to both of the sheds. We also found a hard standing at the bottom of the garden for a small greenhouse. I hope we can put a greenhouse there. I'd love to grow my own chillis. Verily, 'twould rock!

Saw District 9, it's very good

Another real life thingy, Dan and Lerryn have surfaced, today. A brilliant couple I knew back in my bad bugger days in Bournemouth. They've gone and grown up and had nippers too. It seems to be a trend.

To you all, remember the armistice, have a good week.

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