Tuesday 15 May 2012

IRL It's been an odd few months. Work continues in two directions. Hoping that a better one will appear as work becomes more grinding, contrasted by working harder and throwing myself more into my unwilling role change. However, if I keep my head down, it lets me build FreeNAS boxes and tinker with personal projects without anyone batting an eyelid when we're not busy. The first part of that has lead me to hoard IT equipment that might form the initial basis of a small company IT infrastructure. I have that much kit, it's true. How many people have 3 SME level Windows servers in a room at home? I have been asked this by my nearest and dearest, but really she knows it keeps me amused, so it's not all bad. Finally hacked the meadow down to a lawn (It's been raining a lot in Britain, so the grass is growing quickly and getting cut infrequently) and planted an apple tree. Sweet! Family life continues apace as my youngest child rapidly approaches 1 year old. He's a bundle of fun, but his late night wake ups are grinding the life out of us. He has 4 teeth now, just another 16 to go - lol, there may be a few broken nights' sleep left, then. My eldest boy is hard work, but when he's sweet, he's absolutely amazing. On the subject of FreeNAS boxes and the like, I'm in the throws of a large project. I have one PC (Dual Core Intel, 8GB RAM, Win 7 64bit) to run everything on currently. I mothballed my old Games PC (AMD 6 core, 4GB, Win 7 64bit) but now I reckon I've cracked it. The Games PC became better (i7, 12GB, 16GB flash as cache and much quieter) the old AMD went into a new case and is now Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit and this will run the side monitors for browsing etc, and the old HP will become a VM host. The Pinguy running HP Microserver will go over to FreeNAS, so I can use the limited hardware to better effect. WoW - Or more accurately 'gaming in general.' Steam has bee a source of solace, as I haven't played WoW for about 6 weeks. Most people who have known me in the last 5 years would not have credited me with that sentence, but there it is. I've been playing Borderlands pretty heavily, and am very much looking forward to the sequel in September, but I haven't limited myself to one game only. Supreme Commander has been fun, as has Sol: Exodus, and Star Trek Online (Rear Admiral: Lower Half!!) If World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria doesn't rock my world, it will be my last expansion. And today's the day I got ....... Diablo III, the third incarnation of the game that made me a gamer. So far, playing the Demon Hunter, loving it. Nearly home to play some more, laters all.

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